We%26#39;re getting ready to leave in 2 weeks and wanted to know. Thanks!
Are the Jellyfish still a problem right now at MB?
We just returned, and saw only one washed up on shore, and from the pier we saw a few out in the ocean. I really don%26#39;t think this is the season that there is a lot of trouble with them. (But I don%26#39;t know for sure I am not a marine biologist!)
You will be fine, have a great time and a swim in the ocean for me!
Are the Jellyfish still a problem right now at MB?
There are ALWAYS jelly fish in the ocean. There is ALWAYS a chance that you could get stung. There is ALWAYS a chance that you could get bitten by a shark, nibbled by a crab, stabbed by a stringray and finned by a catfish. You could also be spattered on the highway by a car or shot by a crazed gunman.
As the water gets cooler, there are fewer and fewer jelly fish. Maybe even none. And there is no way to tell if there will be any on your particular section of the beach. Even if you do get stung, it %26#39;s not a terrible thing. You could stay at home and be stung by bees, hornets, wasps or be bitten by a neighbor%26#39;s dog.
Relax. Plan to enjoy yourself and quit worrying so much about things that you cannot change.. Zillions of people go to Myrtle Beach and DON%26#39;T get strung.
You and your family will have a ball!
We were there last week, and did not see any. However, the Lifeguard%26#39;s did have the blue flags up on 9/22 - but I still did not see any, or hear of anyone being stung.
Have a nice trip :)
We were there the week after Labor day. On day 3 my husband was stung in 3 places. I put neosporin on it directly and he took benedryl for the itching. He%26#39;s a tough guy and never complained. I passed that day on the ocean but didn%26#39;t miss one after that! Try not to worry though, the odds are against your getting stung. The other post was right...the cooler the water the less likely to have a problem. Have a wonderful time on your vavaction!
Thanks for all your posts! :) And I will have a wonderful time, I am sure! I can%26#39;t wait! Yeah, I can get stung right in my front yard by bees, that%26#39;s true. I%26#39;m not going to worry about it anymore.... hopefully we will all avoid them tho.
Don%26#39;t forget that jelly fish don%26#39;t punture the skin like a bee or a wasp. It%26#39;s the long tendrils that float along behind them that do the damage. The jelly fish doesn%26#39;t attack or chase. They just float around.
I am sure that you have been in a blackberry patch with bare legs and had a branch whip across your leg. Stings like the dickins, doesn%26#39;t it!! It%26#39;s like that, except that the tendrils tend to stick to the skin a little and they do have more toxin in them than blackberry vines do.
The old fashion cure was simply to go sit on the beach and pack the affected part in wet sand. After five or ten minutes, you will feel the pain diminishing. It works. My husband and I and all three of the our children were stung one day. The pain lasted a few hours. I%26#39;ve had wasp and bee stings that hurt for days!!
So if you see something floating out there that looks like an old dirty plastic grocery bag. Stay away. The stuff that does the damage is floating underwater nearby.
Gotcha! :) We will keep a lookout for them for sure! Yeah, I%26#39;ve picked plenty a blackberries in my days.... we used to walk way back behind my parents house for a mile or so and pick a 5 gallon bucket full... talk about some yummy blackberry jelly ;)
my husband was stung while we were there. The lifeguard told him that the saly in the ocean would help the pain. He was stung behind his knee, but twisted his other kneee trying to get out of the water. Two things that increased the risk were the warmer temperatures (in the 80s that day) and the tide was coming in. He said it stung for about an hour. I have heard vinegar helps.
Forty plus trips to the beach and have never been stung by jellyfish. Might happen next trip. Might not. Nothing to worry about. Better odds of getting finger smashed in condo door.
Beware. All the tips and advice we%26#39;ve given you. We forgot one. If you open front door of condo while oceanfront sliding glass door is open. Get out of the way. Door will slam shut.
Would love to be there see your face when you see ocean for first time. Have fun.
Thanks for the tip on the door, hopefully it will avoid a bloody nose... LOL
My best friend, Tonya, told me, ';you BETTER call me as SOON as you get there! I wanna hear your expression when you first see the ocean!!!'; She can%26#39;t wait for me to see it either... LOL
I%26#39;m glad everyone%26#39;s excited for me! That makes me feel special... :)
We have saved up 426.00 to take along, and may have more after all the bills are paid. I figured (and this is overfiguring, of course--better to OVER figure, than to UNDER figure and not have enough). But this is my figuring.
426.00 minus 150.00 for gas = 276.00
276.00 minus 100.00 to eat out two nights (we%26#39;re cooking in two nights) = 176.00
So 176.00 for spending on whatever we want, I plan on getting a few souviners for me and the girls while we%26#39;re down there... T-shirts, seashell ankle bracelets, etc....
Plus we have like, 60-70 dollars in change that we%26#39;ve saved up to go on the groceries. SO we are doing good!!!!
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