Since rental places don%26#39;t accept pets, is there a place nearby to keep our Jack Russell Terrier?
PetsGo to I haven%26#39;t used them, but I have heard good things. There are vets in the area that also do boarding. I would suggest asking your rental co for suggestions.
PetsIf you have not already booked your rental, there are plenty of houses/condos that allow pets. I am traveling with 5 other people and 2 dogs so we were looking for a house. We found a house in Melody Gardens. There were several houses that allowed pets.
Otherwise, I cannot recommend a boarding facility. Also, FYI, there is a great dog park (Barc Parc) in MYR that I am looking forward to taking my dogs to.
Good luck.
The Holiday Inn Sufside accepts pets for an additional fee.
I%26#39;d be REAL careful about taking any dogs to the MYR dog park... a lot of locals will not anymore, dogs behave badly, very aggressive and more than one dog has developed kennel cough for all the contact with less than clean animals... lol.
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